
                             2 YEARS M.Ed. COURSE STRUCTURE & SYLLABUS (2016-18)  


Course Code Title of the Course Credit External Internal Total  Marks
M.Ed.CC:101 Psychology of Learning and Development 4 70 30 100
M.Ed.CC:102 Historical, Political & Economic 4 70 30 100
Foundations of Education 4 70 30 100
M.Ed.CC:103 Introduction to Educational Studies 4 70 30 100
M.Ed.CC:104 Introduction to Research Method  and Statistics 4 70 30 100
TOTAL 18     450



Course Code Title of the Course Credit External Internal Total Marks
M.Ed.CC:201 Philosophical  Perspective on Education 4 70 30 100
M.EdC.C:202 Sociological Foundations of Education 4 70 30 100
M.Ed CC 203 Curriculum Studies 4 70 30 100
M.Ed.CC:204 Pre-service & In-service Teacher Education I 4 70 30 100
Inter semester Break  02
M.Ed.CC205 Internship in DIET’s/CTE’s  for  Four weeks2 (with report) 4 70 30 100
M.Ed.: D-201 Dissertation related to work 2 35 15 50
TOTAL 22 385 165 550



Course Code Title of the Course Credit External Internal Total  Marks
M.Ed SC 301-E Institutional structure & Management at School Secondary level/ Elementary Level 2 35 15 50
M.Ed SC 301-S Institutional Planning & Management of Secondary & Senior Secondary Education 2 35 15 50
M.Ed.SC:302-E Issues Curriculum and assessment (Elementary level) 2 35 15 50
M.Ed SC 302-S Issues Curriculum and assessment (Secondary level) 2 35 15 50
M.Ed.SC:303-E Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment of Elementary Level 2 35 15 50
M.Ed SC 303-S Curriculum, pedagogy, and Assessment of Secondary  Level 2 35 15 50
M.Ed CC: 304 Research Method and Advance Statistics 4 70 30 100
M.Ed SC 305 Perspective, Research and Issue in Teacher Education 4 70 30 100
Inter semester Break  03
M.Ed SC 306 Internship (Field Attachment ) related to specialization area Elementary /Secondary 4 70 30 100
M.Ed.: D-301 (Dissertation related to work) 2 50 50
TOTAL 20     550

Semester –IV

Specialization in any one level: Elementary/Secondary & Senior Secondary any one Elective

First Theme (i) Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment

Course Code Title of the Course Credit External Internal Total Marks
M.Ed SC 401-E Advanced curriculum theory of Elementary Level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 401-S Advanced curriculum theory of Secondary Level 4 70 30 100
Advance Level subject pedagogy
M.Ed  SC 402-E Pedagogy of Science Education Elementary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 402-S Pedagogy of Science Education Secondary  level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 402-S Pedagogy of Science Education Secondary  level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 403-E Pedagogy of Mathematics Education Elementary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 403-S Pedagogy of Mathematics Education Secondary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 404-E Pedagogy of Social Science Education Elementary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 404-S Pedagogy of Social Science Education Secondary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 405-E Pedagogy of Language Education Elementary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed  SC 405-S Pedagogy of Language Education Elementary level 4 70 30 100
(iii) Approaches to Assessment
M.Ed SC 406 E Approaches to Assessment at Elementary level 4 70 30 100
M.Ed SC 406 S Approaches to Assessment  at Secondary  level 4 70 30 100

Workshop course any Two sub theme

            Elementary level/Secondary

4 70 30 100
A -E Material Design 2 35 15 50
B-E Instructional design 2 35 15 50
C-E Comparative study of curricula 2 35 15 50
D-E Comparative study of pedagogical features

Workshop course any Two sub theme

            Secondary level

4 70 30 100
A -S Material Design 2 35 15 50
B-S Instructional design 2 35 15 50
C-S Comparative study of curricula 2 35 15 50
D-S Comparative study of pedagogical features

Second Theme           Education policy, economics and

            planning Workshop course any two

            sub theme Elementary  level

A-E Strategy planning 2 35 15 50
A-E Budget preparation 2 35 15 50
A-E Policy analysis 2 35 15 50

Workshop course any two sub theme

            Secondary level

A -S Strategy planning 2 35 15 50
B-S Budget preparation 2 35 15 50
C-S Policy analysis 2 35 15 50

Elective-third- : Educational management,

Theme administration, leadership and planning

M.Ed SC 409 -E Education management and Planning of Elementary level. 4 70 30 100
M.Ed SC 409 -S Education management and Planning of  Secondary level. 4 70 30 100
M.Ed SC 411-E Towards Academic leadership at Elementary school level. 4 70 30 100
M.Ed SC 411 -S Towards Academic leadership at secondary school level 4 70 30 100

Any two of these: any one at Elementary


M.Ed EC 412-E Inclusive education 2 35 15 50
M.Ed EC 413-E ICT 2 35 15 50
M.Ed EC 414-E Physical & health education 2 35 15 50
Ed EC 415-E Peace education 2 35 15 50

Any two of these: any one at Secondary


M.Ed EC 416-S Inclusive education 2 35 15 50
M.Ed EC 417-S ICT 2 35 15 50
M.Ed EC 418-S Physical & health education 2 35 15 50
M.Ed EC 419-S Peace education 2 35 15 50
M.Ed.DE:404 Dissertation 4 70 30 100
TOTAL 20     400


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